SQL AI Agent: Build to Deployment

Suchismita Sahu
10 min readDec 20, 2024


In Data Engineering, many autonomous AI agents can be built to help data engineers to automate frequently done tasks, increased productivity & efficiency, improved query performance, generates consistent summaries and reports etc…

Data Pipeline Design

Pipeline Stages

Input Layer:

  • Collect SQL queries from users via APIs or a UI.

Processing Layer:

  • Validation Agent: Validate SQL syntax.
  • Optimization Agent: Optimize the query.
  • Execution Agent: Execute the query against the database.
  • Summarization Agent: Summarize the results.

Output Layer:

  • Store query results and summaries in a data warehouse or serve them via APIs.The pipeline is as follows

API Design Principles

  • RESTful APIs: For simplicity and wide adoption.
  • Consistency: Use clear naming conventions and HTTP methods.
  • Scalability: Allow for future expansion by following modular design.
  • Security: Implement authentication and rate limiting.

Base URL

All APIs are hosted under the base URL:


The major tasks of SQL Agent considered in this post are


  1. Analyze SQL Queries: Parse and optimize SQL queries.
  2. Summarize Results: Provide a summary of query execution results.
  3. Generate Reports: Generate detailed, structured reports from query results.

For this, the following agents shall be built


  1. Query Optimizer Agent: Suggests query improvements to reduce execution time or resource consumption.
  2. Report Summarizer Agent: Extracts insights and summarizes results in natural language.
  3. Query Execution: Executes the SQL query
  4. Query Validator Agent: Validates SQL queries for syntax and logical errors.

I have considered the following libraries to build this agent.

Core Libraries

  • LangGraph: Manages workflow by defining nodes and edges.
  • StateGraph: Tracks agent states and handles state transitions.
  • OpenAI Models: Uses GPT-4 for language understanding and output generation.
  • React Agents: Enables dynamic decision-making and interactions.
  • Custom Agents: For domain-specific logic, such as SQL analysis.

Node Definitions

  1. Input Node: Receives the SQL query.
  2. Validation Node: Runs the Query Validator Agent.
  3. Optimization Node: Runs the Query Optimizer Agent.
  4. Execution Node: Executes the optimized query.
  5. Summarization Node: Runs the Report Summarizer Agent.


  • Connect nodes sequentially or conditionally, e.g., the output of the Validation Node determines whether to proceed to Optimization Node.


  • Tracks query state (valid, invalid, optimized, executed, summarized)

Implementation Steps

1. Define Nodes and StateGraph

from langgraph import Node, Edge, LangGraph
from stategraph import StateGraph, State
from openai import GPT
# Initialize LangGraph and StateGraph
graph = LangGraph()
state = StateGraph(states=["input", "valid", "optimized", "executed", "summarized"])
# Define OpenAI API wrapper
def call_openai(prompt, model="gpt-4"):
response = GPT(model=model).generate(prompt)
return response

2. Query Validator Agent

# Validator Node
def query_validator(sql_query):
validation_prompt = f"Check if the following SQL query is valid and correct:\n{sql_query}"
response = call_openai(validation_prompt)
if "valid" in response.lower():
return "Query is valid."
return f"Query is invalid: {response}"
graph.add_node(Node("Validation Node", task=query_validator))

3. Query Optimizer Agent

# Optimizer Node
def query_optimizer(sql_query):
optimization_prompt = f"Optimize the following SQL query for performance:\n{sql_query}"
optimized_query = call_openai(optimization_prompt)
return optimized_query
graph.add_node(Node("Optimization Node", task=query_optimizer))
graph.add_edge(Edge("Validation Node", "Optimization Node", condition=lambda: state.is_in("valid")))

4. Query Execution Node

import sqlite3
# Execution Node
def query_executor(optimized_query, db_connection):
cursor = db_connection.cursor()
results = cursor.fetchall()
return results
except Exception as e:
return f"Execution error: {str(e)}"
graph.add_node(Node("Execution Node", task=query_executor))
graph.add_edge(Edge("Optimization Node", "Execution Node"))

5. Report Summarizer Agent

# Summarizer Node
def report_summarizer(query_results):
summarization_prompt = f"Summarize the following SQL query results:\n{query_results}"
summary = call_openai(summarization_prompt)
return summary
graph.add_node(Node("Summarization Node", task=report_summarizer))
graph.add_edge(Edge("Execution Node", "Summarization Node"))

6. Running the Workflow

# Define workflow
workflow = graph.compile()
# Input SQL Query
sql_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE signup_date > '2023-01-01'"
# Initialize database connection
db_connection = sqlite3.connect("example.db")
# Execute workflow
graph.set_input("SQL Query", sql_query)
graph.set_input("DB Connection", db_connection)
result = workflow.run()# Print summary
print("Final Report:", result["Summarization Node"])

Key Components in the Workflow

Query Validator: Checks syntax and logical structure.

  • If valid: Proceeds to optimization.
  • If invalid: Returns errors and stops.

Query Optimizer: Suggests ways to improve query performance.

  • E.g., “Add an index on the ‘amount’ column for faster filtering.”

Query Execution: Executes the optimized query using a database connector.

Report Summarizer: Generates a detailed report summarizing results and insights.

API Endpoints

1. Query Validator Agent

Endpoint: /validate

  • Method: POST
  • Description: Validates SQL syntax and logic.


"query": "SELECT * FROM sales WHERE amount > 1000;"


  • Success
"valid": true,
"issues": null
  • Failure
"valid": false,
"issues": [
"type": "SyntaxError",
"message": "Missing semicolon at the end of the query."

Query Optimizer Agent

Endpoint: /optimize

  • Method: POST
  • Description: Analyzes and optimizes an SQL query.


"query": "SELECT * FROM sales WHERE amount > 1000 ORDER BY date;"


  • Optimized Query:
"original_query": "SELECT * FROM sales WHERE amount > 1000 ORDER BY date;",
"optimized_query": "SELECT id, name, amount, date FROM sales WHERE amount > 1000 ORDER BY date;",
"suggestions": [
"Avoid using SELECT * to reduce data retrieval overhead.",
"Add an index on the 'amount' column to speed up filtering."

Report Summarizer Agent

Endpoint: /summarize

  • Method: POST
  • Description: Summarizes query execution results into insights.


"query": "SELECT * FROM sales WHERE amount > 1000 ORDER BY date;",
"results": [
{ "id": 1, "date": "2024-01-01", "amount": 1500 },
{ "id": 2, "date": "2024-01-02", "amount": 2000 }


"summary": "The query retrieved 2 rows where sales amount exceeded 1000. The highest amount is 2000, occurring on 2024-01-02. The results are sorted by date.",
"trends": {
"max_amount": 2000,
"min_amount": 1500,
"total_rows": 2


All endpoints are secured via token-based authentication. Include the following in the header:

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>

Error Handling

Standard Error Format

"error": {
"code": "INVALID_QUERY",
"message": "The SQL query is invalid.",
"details": "Syntax error at line 1."

HTTP Status Codes

  • 200 OK: Request was successful.
  • 400 Bad Request: The input query or payload is malformed.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Authentication failed.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: Server-side error.

Example Workflows

Validation Workflow

  1. User sends a query to /validate.
  2. If valid, the system returns valid: true.
  3. Otherwise, it lists issues for correction.

Optimization Workflow

  1. User sends the query to /optimize.
  2. System returns an optimized query and improvement suggestions.

Summarization Workflow

  1. User executes an optimized query (e.g., through their database client).
  2. Results are sent to /summarize.
  3. System generates a summary and key trends.


These APIs are modular and can be extended:

  • Add an Execution Agent API to run SQL queries directly against a database:
  • Endpoint: /execute
  • Payload: Query and optional optimization flag.
  • Response: Query results.
  • Introduce a Logging API to track usage:
  • Endpoint: /logs
  • Payload: Query metadata.
  • Response: Execution logs.

Scaling for Enterprise Use

  1. Integration with BI Tools: Use APIs to integrate outputs with Tableau, Power BI, etc.
  2. Distributed Execution: Leverage distributed systems (e.g., Apache Spark) for large-scale query execution.
  3. Monitoring: Integrate observability tools (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana) for tracking query performance.
  4. Multi-Database Support: Use abstractions to connect with multiple databases like Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift.


Key Components

  1. CI/CD Pipeline: Jenkins for building, testing, and packaging the SQL Agent into Docker containers.
  2. Containerization: Docker to package the SQL Agent and its dependencies.
  3. Orchestration: Kubernetes to deploy and manage the SQL Agent across a distributed environment.
  4. GitOps: FluxCD for continuous delivery and automated Kubernetes configuration management.
  5. Monitoring: Use tools like Prometheus and Grafana for performance and health monitoring in production.

CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins

Jenkins Pipeline Stages

Source Code Management:

  • Pull code from a Git repository (e.g., GitHub/GitLab).


  • Use Docker to build an image for the SQL Agent.


  • Run unit tests, integration tests, and query validation tests.


  • Push the Docker image to a container registry (e.g., Docker Hub, AWS ECR).


  • Use FluxCD to deploy the image to Kubernetes.


Below is a Jenkinsfile for the CI/CD pipeline:

pipeline {
agent any
environment {
DOCKER_REGISTRY = "your-docker-registry/sql-agent"
DOCKER_IMAGE = "sql-agent"
stages {
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
git 'https://github.com/your-repo/sql-agent.git'
stage('Build Docker Image') {
steps {
sh 'docker build -t ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}:${BUILD_NUMBER} .'
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'docker run --rm ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}:${BUILD_NUMBER} pytest tests/'
stage('Push Docker Image') {
steps {
sh 'docker push ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}:${BUILD_NUMBER}'
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
sh 'kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yaml'
post {
success {
echo 'Deployment Successful'
failure {
echo 'Deployment Failed'

Deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes Configuration

Deployment File

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: sql-agent
replicas: 3
app: sql-agent
app: sql-agent
- name: sql-agent
image: your-docker-registry/sql-agent:latest
- containerPort: 8080
value: "your-database-connection-string"

Service File

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: sql-agent-service
app: sql-agent
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 8080
type: ClusterIP

GitOps with FluxCD


  1. Install FluxCD: Install FluxCD in your Kubernetes cluster.
flux install
  1. Connect Repository: Configure FluxCD to sync your Git repository containing Kubernetes manifests.
  2. Automate Deployments: FluxCD will monitor the repository for changes and apply updates automatically.

Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

Setup Monitoring

  1. Install Prometheus and Grafana: Deploy Prometheus and Grafana on your Kubernetes cluster using Helm.
  • helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus helm install grafana grafana/grafana
  1. Configure SQL Agent Monitoring:
  • Add metrics endpoints in the SQL Agent (e.g., /metrics).
  • Expose metrics like query execution time, errors, and resource usage.

2. Visualize Metrics in Grafana:

  • Import a dashboard template and connect it to Prometheus as the data source.
  • Monitor key metrics (e.g., query execution time, CPU/memory usage).

Production Monitoring

Logs: Use a centralized logging solution like Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana (EFK) or Loki.

Health Checks:

  • Add readiness and liveness probes in the Kubernetes deployment.
  • readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /health port: 8080 livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /health port: 8080


  • Configure Prometheus alerting rules to notify the team in case of issues.

Scalable Workflow

  1. Horizontal Scaling: Increase SQL Agent replicas in the Kubernetes deployment for load balancing.
  2. Auto-scaling: Use Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to scale based on CPU/memory usage.
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: sql-agent-hpa
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: sql-agent
minReplicas: 3
maxReplicas: 10
- type: Resource
name: cpu
type: Utilization
averageUtilization: 70

Monitoring in Production

  1. Metrics Endpoint:
  • Add /metrics to expose API performance metrics for Prometheus.
  • Metrics include:
  • Request count
  • Query latency
  • Error rates
  1. Health Check Endpoint:
  • Add /health to monitor service health.

Developing the SQL Agents (Validator, Optimizer, and Summarizer) presents several challenges, but proactive strategies can address them effectively. Here’s a breakdown of the challenges and solutions:

Challenges and Solutions

Complex Query Parsing

  • Challenge:
  • Parsing SQL queries with nested subqueries, joins, window functions, or database-specific syntax can be error-prone.
  • Variations in SQL dialects (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server) add complexity.
  • Solution:
  • Use a robust SQL parsing library (e.g., sqlparse or SQLGlot) that supports multiple SQL dialects.
  • Build a query dialect abstraction layer to normalize and handle different SQL variations.

Query Optimization Logic

  • Challenge:
  • Designing a generic optimization logic that works across diverse database engines is difficult.
  • Advanced optimizations (e.g., indexing, materialized views) require engine-specific knowledge.
  • Solution:
  • Use tools like Apache Calcite or database-specific APIs (e.g., PostgreSQL EXPLAIN) for optimization insights.
  • Leverage machine learning models to recommend optimizations based on historical query performance.

Balancing Performance vs. Resource Usage

  • Challenge:
  • Optimizing queries to reduce execution time may increase memory or CPU usage.
  • Summarizing large datasets might introduce performance bottlenecks.
  • Solution:
  • Implement rate limiting and pagination for large query results.
  • Use caching for frequently accessed queries and pre-aggregated results.

Handling Edge Cases in Validation

  • Challenge:
  • Complex edge cases like ambiguous column references, invalid joins, or recursive queries can lead to validation failures.
  • Solution:
  • Include unit tests for common SQL edge cases during development.
  • Leverage AI models fine-tuned on SQL query datasets for anomaly detection and semantic validation.

Summarization Complexity

  • Challenge:
  • Generating meaningful, concise summaries for diverse query results (e.g., numeric data, text data, trends) is challenging.
  • Temporal trends or patterns require advanced analysis.
  • Solution:
  • Use libraries like Pandas or Polars for efficient data analysis and summarization.
  • Employ LLMs (e.g., GPT) to generate natural language summaries from structured results.

Scalability and High Availability

  • Challenge:
  • Handling concurrent requests and large-scale workloads may lead to bottlenecks.
  • Ensuring high availability across distributed environments is complex.
  • Solution:
  • Use Kubernetes for auto-scaling and load balancing.
  • Optimize APIs with asynchronous processing and queueing systems (e.g., RabbitMQ or Kafka).

Security and Data Privacy

  • Challenge:
  • Preventing SQL injection attacks when executing queries or handling user input.
  • Protecting sensitive data in query payloads and results.
  • Solution:
  • Sanitize and validate all inputs to prevent injection attacks.
  • Use secure channels (e.g., HTTPS) and encrypt sensitive data at rest and in transit.
  • Implement role-based access control (RBAC) for query execution and result access.

Error Handling and Debugging

  • Challenge:
  • Providing meaningful error messages for malformed queries or system failures.
  • Debugging optimization or summarization failures can be complex.
  • Solution:
  • Standardize error responses with clear messages and error codes.
  • Maintain detailed logs for query processing steps and errors, and use centralized logging tools (e.g., ELK stack).

Monitoring and Observability

  • Challenge:
  • Tracking performance metrics, query execution time, and system errors in real time.
  • Detecting anomalies or slowdowns before they impact users.
  • Solution:
  • Integrate monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana for real-time observability.
  • Implement alerting systems for critical failures or SLA violations.

Multi-Agent Collaboration

  • Challenge:
  • Coordinating tasks among the Validator, Optimizer, and Summarizer agents efficiently.
  • Avoiding redundant processing or inconsistent outputs between agents.
  • Solution:
  • Use a task orchestration framework like Celery or LangChain for agent collaboration.
  • Define clear communication protocols (e.g., structured JSON responses) between agents.

User Experience

  • Challenge:
  • Providing an intuitive interface for users to interact with the agents.
  • Ensuring results are easy to interpret, especially for non-technical users.
  • Solution:
  • Design a user-friendly API documentation with examples.
  • Offer client libraries or SDKs for easy integration into BI tools and dashboards.

Continuous Improvement and Learning

  • Challenge:
  • Adapting to new database technologies or query patterns.
  • Keeping the agents updated with evolving best practices.
  • Solution:
  • Continuously collect and analyze usage data to identify improvement opportunities.
  • Implement CI/CD pipelines for rapid updates and iterative development.


  1. CI/CD: Use Jenkins to automate build, test, and deployment processes.
  2. Containerization: Use Docker for packaging SQL Agent and its dependencies.
  3. Orchestration: Deploy and manage SQL Agent using Kubernetes.
  4. GitOps: Leverage FluxCD for continuous delivery and config management.
  5. Monitoring: Use Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring SQL Agent’s health and performance.

This architecture ensures scalability, reliability, and observability for enterprise deployments. Let me know if you need detailed guidance on any step!



Suchismita Sahu
Suchismita Sahu

Written by Suchismita Sahu

Working as a Technical Product Manager at Jumio corporation, India. Passionate about Technology, Business and System Design.

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