MLOps Core principles

Suchismita Sahu
13 min readNov 23, 2024


In this article, we will look at the 6 core MLOps guidelines, independent of any tool, to design robust and scalable production ML systems and architectures:

  1. Automation and operationalization
  2. Versioning
  3. Experiment tracking
  4. Testing
  5. Monitoring
  6. Reproducibility

#1. Automation and operationalization

To adopt MLOps, there are three core tiers that most applications build up gradually, from manual processing to full automation:

  • Manual process: The process is experimental and iterative in the early stages of developing an ML application. The data scientist manually performs each pipeline step, such as data preparation and validation, model training and testing. At this point, they commonly use Jupyter Notebooks to train their models. This stage’s output is the code used to prepare the data and train the models.
  • Continuous training (CT): The next level involves automating model training. This is known as continuous training (CT), which triggers model retraining whenever required. At this point, you often automate your data and model validation steps. This step is usually done by an orchestration tool, such as ZenML, that glues all your code together and runs it on specific triggers. The most common triggers are on a schedule, for example, every day or when a specific event comes in, such as when new data is uploaded or the monitoring system detects a drop in performance, offering you the flexibility to adapt to various triggers.
  • CI/CD: In the final stage, you implement your CI/CD pipelines to enable fast and reliable deployment of your ML code into production. The key advancement at this stage is the automatic building, testing, and deployment of data, ML models, and training pipeline components. The CI/CD is used to quickly push new code into various environments, such as staging or production, ensuring efficient and reliable deployment.

As we build our LLM system using the FTI architecture, we can quickly move from a manual process to CI/CD/CT. In Figure 1, we can observe that the CT process can be triggered by various events, such as a drop in performance detected by the monitoring pipeline or a batch of fresh data just arrived.

Also, Figure 1 is split into two main sections; the first one highlights the automated processes, while on the bottom, we can observe the manual processes performed by the Data Science team while experimenting with various data processing methods and models.

Once they improve the model by tinkering with how the data is processed or the model architecture, they push the code to the code repository, which triggers the CI/CD pipeline to build, test, package, and deploy the new changes to the FTI pipelines.

Figure 1 — CI/CD/CT on top of the FTI architecture

To conclude, CT automates the FTI pipelines, while CI/CD builds, tests and pushes new versions of the FTI pipeline code to production.

#2. Versioning

By now, we understand that the whole ML system changes if the code, model or data changes. Thus, it is critical to track and version these three elements individually. But what strategies can we adopt to track the code, model and data separately?

The code is tracked by git, which helps us create a new commit (a snapshot of the code) on every change added to the codebase. Also, git-based tools usually allow us to make releases, which typically pack multiple features and bug fixes.

While the commits contain unique identifiers that are not human-interpretable, a release follows more common conventions based on their major, minor, and patch versions.

For example, in a release with version “v1.2.3”, 1 is the major version, 2 is the minor version, and 3 is the patch version. Popular tools are GitHub and GitLab.

To version the model, you leverage the model registry to store, share and version all the models used within your system. It usually follows the same versioning conventions used in code releases, defined as Semantic Versioning, which, along with the major, minor, and patch versions, also supports alpha and beta releases that signal applications.

At this point, you can also leverage the ML metadata store to attach information to the stored model, such as what data it was trained on, its architecture, performance, latency, and whatever else makes sense to your specific use case. Doing so creates a clear catalog of models that can easily be navigated across your team and company.

Versioning the data isn’t as straightforward as versioning the code and model because it depends on the type of data you have (structured or unstructured) and the scale of data you have (big or small).

For example, for structured data, you can leverage an SQL database with a version column that helps you track the changes in the dataset. However, other popular solutions are based on git-like systems, such as DVC, that track every change made to the dataset.

Other trendy solutions are based on artifacts similar to a model registry that allows you to add a virtual layer to your dataset, tracking and creating a new version for every change made to your data. Comet ML, W&B, and ZenML offer powerful artifact features. For both solutions, you must store the data on-prem or cloud object storage solutions such as AWS S3. These tools provide features that allow you to structure your datasets, version, track, and access them.

#3. Experiment tracking

Training ML models is an entirely iterative and experimental process. Unlike traditional software development, it involves running multiple parallel experiments, comparing them based on a set of predefined metrics, and deciding which one should advance to production.

An experiment tracking tool allows you to log all the necessary information, such as metrics and visual representations of your model predictions, to compare all your experiments and easily select the best model. Popular tools are Comet ML, W&B, MLFlow, and Neptune.

#4. Testing

The same trend follows when testing ML systems. Hence, we must test our application across all three dimensions: the data, the model, and the code. We must also ensure that the feature, training, and inference pipeline are well integrated with external services such as the feature store and work together as a system.

When working with Python, the most common tool to write your tests is pytest, which we also recommend.

Test types

In the development cycle, six primary types of tests are commonly employed at various stages:

  1. Unit tests: These tests focus on individual components with a single responsibility, such as a function that adds two tensors or one that finds an element in a list.
  2. Integration tests: These tests evaluate the interaction between integrated components or units within a system, such as the data evaluation pipeline or the feature engineering pipeline and how they are integrated with the data warehouse and feature store.
  3. System tests: System tests play a crucial role in the development cycle as they examine the entire system, including the complete and integrated application. These tests rigorously evaluate the end-to-end functionality of the system, including performance, security, and overall user experience. For example, testing an entire machine learning pipeline, from data ingestion to model training and inference, ensuring the system produces the correct outputs for given inputs.
  4. Acceptance tests: These tests, often called User Acceptance Testing (UAT), are designed to confirm that the system meets specified requirements, ensuring it is ready for deployment.
  5. Regression tests: These tests check for previously identified errors to ensure that new changes do not reintroduce them.
  6. Stress tests: These tests evaluate the system’s performance and stability under extreme conditions, such as high load or limited resources. They aim to identify breaking points and ensure the system can handle unexpected spikes in demand or adverse situations without failing.

Figure 2 — Test types.

What do we test?

When writing most tests, you take a component and treat it as a black box. Thus, what you have control over is the input and output. You want to test that you get an expected output for a given input. Mind that in mind, here are a few ideas you should usually test:

  • inputs: data types, format, length, edge cases (min/max, small/large, etc.);
  • outputs: data types, formats, exceptions, intermediary and final outputs.

Test examples

When testing your code, you can leverage the standards from classic software engineering. Here are a few examples of code tests when writing unit tests to get a better idea of what we want to test at this point. For instance, you want to check that a sentence is cleaned as expected. Also, you can look at your chunking algorithm and assert that it works properly by using various sentences and chunk sizes.

When we talk about data tests, we mainly refer to data validity. Your data validity code usually runs when raw data is ingested from the data warehouse or after computing the features. It is part of the feature pipeline. Thus, by writing integration or system tests for your feature pipeline, you can check that your system responds properly to valid and invalid data.

Testing data validity depends a lot on your application and data type. For example, when working with tabular data, you can check for non-null values, that a categorical variable contains only the expected values or that a float value is always positive. You can check for length, character encoding, language, special characters, and grammar errors when working with unstructured data such as text.

Model tests are the trickiest, as model training is the most non-deterministic process from an ML system. However, unlike traditional software, ML systems can successfully complete without throwing any errors. However, the real issue is that they produce incorrect results that can only be observed during evaluations or tests. Some standard model test techniques are checking:

  • the shapes of the input and model output tensors;
  • that the loss decreases after one batch (or more) of training;
  • overfit on a small batch, and the loss approaches 0;
  • that your training pipeline works on all the supported devices, such as CPU and GPU;
  • that your early stopping and checkpoint logic works.

All the tests are triggered inside the CI pipeline. If some tests are more costly, for example, the model ones, you can execute them only on special terms, such as when modifying the model code.

On the other side of the spectrum, you can also perform behavioral testing on your model, which tries to adopt the strategy from code testing and treats the model as a black box while looking solely at the input data and expected outputs. This makes the behavioral testing methods model agnostic.

A fundamental paper in this area is “Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList”, which we recommend if you want to dig more into the subject. However, as a quick overview, the paper proposes that you test your model against three types of tests. We use a model that extracts the main subject from a sentence as an example:

  • invariance: Changes in your input should not affect the output. For example, below is an example based on synonym injection:
model(text="The advancements in AI are changing the world rapidly.")
# output: ai

model(text="The progress in AI is changing the world rapidly.")
# output: ai
  • directional: Changes in your input should affect the outputs. For example, below is an example where we know the outputs should change based on the provided inputs:
model(text="Deep learning used for sentiment analysis.")
# output: deep-learning
model(text="Deep learning used for object detection.")
# output: deep-learning
model(text="RNNs for sentiment analysis.")
# output: rnn
  • minimum functionality: The most simple combination of inputs and expected outputs. For example, below is an example with a set of simple examples that we expect the model should always get right:
model(text="NLP is the next big wave in machine learning.")
# output: nlp
model(text="MLOps is the next big wave in machine learning.")
# output: mlops
model(text="This is about graph neural networks.")
# output: gnn

For more on testing, I recommend reading Testing Machine Learning Systems: Code, Data, and Models by Goku Mohandas.

#5. Monitoring

Monitoring is vital for any ML system that reaches production. Traditional software systems are rule-based and deterministic. Thus, once it is built, it will always work as defined. Unfortunately, that is not the case with ML systems.

When implementing ML models, we haven’t explicitly described how they should work. We have used data to compile a probabilistic solution, which means that our ML model will constantly be exposed to a level of degradation. This happens because the data from production might differ from the data the model was trained on. Thus, it is natural that the shipped model doesn’t know how to handle these scenarios.

We shouldn’t try to avoid these situations but create a strategy to catch and fix these errors in time. Intuitively, monitoring detects the model’s performance degradation, which triggers an alarm that signals that the model should be retrained manually, automatically or a combination of both.

Why retrain the model? As the model performance degrades due to a drift in the training dataset and what it inputs from production, the only solution is to adapt or retrain the model on a new dataset that captures all the new scenarios from production.

As training is a costly operation, there are some tricks that you can perform to avoid retraining, but before describing them, let’s quickly understand what we can monitor to understand our ML system’s health.


The approach to logging is straightforward, which is to capture everything, such as:

  • Document the system configurations.
  • Record the query, the results, and any intermediate outputs.
  • Log when a component begins, ends, crashes, and so on.
  • Ensure that each log entry is tagged and identified in a way that clarifies its origin within the system.

While capturing all activities can rapidly increase the volume of logs, you can take advantage of numerous tools for automated log analysis and anomaly detection that leverage AI to efficiently scan all the logs, providing you with the confidence to manage the logs effectively.


To quantify your application’s healthiness, you must define a set of metrics. Each metric measures different aspects of your application, such as the infrastructure, data and model.

System metrics

The system metrics are based on monitoring service-level metrics (latency, throughput, error rates) and infrastructure health (CPU/GPU, memory). These metrics are used both in traditional software and ML as they are crucial to understanding whether the infrastructure works well and the system works as expected to provide a good user experience to the end users.

Model metrics

Merely monitoring the system’s health won’t suffice to identify the deeper issues within our model. Therefore, moving on to the next layer of metrics that focus on the model’s performance is crucial. This includes quantitative evaluation metrics like accuracy, precision, and F1 score, as well as essential business metrics influenced by the model, such as ROI and click rate.

Analyzing cumulative performance metrics over the entire deployment period is often ineffective. Instead, evaluating performance over time intervals relevant to our application, such as hourly, is essential. Thus, in practice, you window your inputs and compute and aggregate the metrics at the window level. These sliding metrics can provide a clearer picture of the system’s health, allowing us to detect issues more promptly without being obscured by historical data.

We may not always have access to ground-truth outcomes to evaluate the model’s performance on production data. This is particularly challenging when there is a significant delay or when real-world data requires annotation.

To address this issue, we can develop an approximate signal to estimate the model’s performance or label a small portion of our live dataset to assess performance. When talking about ML monitoring, an approximate signal is also known as a proxy metric, usually implemented by drift detection methods, which are discussed in the following section.


Drifts are proxy metrics that help us detect potential issues with the production model in time without requiring any ground truths/labels. Table 1 shows the three kinds of drifts.

Table 1 — Drift types: Relationship between data, model and code changes.

Monitoring vs. observability

Monitoring involves the collection and visualization of data, whereas observability provides insights into system health by examining its inputs and outputs. For instance, monitoring allows us to track a specific metric to detect potential issues.

On the other hand, a system is considered observable if it generates meaningful data about its internal state, which is essential for diagnosing root causes.


Once we define our monitoring metrics, we need a way to get notified. The most common approaches are to send an alarm in the following scenarios:

  • A metric passes the values of a static threshold. For example, when the accuracy of the classifier is lower than 0.8, send an alarm.
  • Tweaking the p-value of the statistical tests that check for drifts. A lower p-value means a higher confidence that the production distribution differs from the reference one.

These thresholds and p-values depend on your application. However, it is essential to find the correct values, as you don’t want to overcrowd your alarming system with false positives. In that case, your alarm system won’t be trustworthy, and you will either overreact or not react at all to issues in your system.

Some common channels for sending alarms to your stakeholders are Slack, Discord, your email and PagerDuty. The system’s stakeholders can be the core engineers, managers or anyone interested in the system.

Depending on the nature of the alarm, you have to react differently. But before taking any action, you should be able to inspect it and understand what caused it. You should inspect what metric triggered the alarm, with what value, the time it happened and anything else that makes sense to your application.

When the model’s performance degrades, the first impulse is to retrain it. But that is a costly operation. Thus, you first have to check that the data is valid, the schema hasn’t changed, and the data point was not an isolated outlier. If neither is true, you should trigger the training pipeline and train the model on the newly shifted dataset to solve the drift.

#6. Reproducibility

Reproducibility means that every process within your ML systems should produce identical results given the same input. This has two main aspects.

The first one is that you should always know what the inputs are. For example, when training a model, you can use a plethora of hyperparameters. Thus, you need a way to always track what assets were used to generate the new assets, such as what dataset version and config were used to train the model.

The second aspect is based on the non-deterministic nature of ML processes. For example, when training a model from scratch, all the weights are initially randomly initialized.

Thus, even if you use the same dataset and hyperparameters, you might end up with a model with a different performance. This aspect can be solved by always using a seed before generating random numbers, as in reality, we cannot digitally create randomness, only pseudo-random numbers.

Thus, by providing a seed, we ensure that we always produce the same trace of pseudo-random numbers. This can also happen at the feature engineering step, in case we impute values with random values or randomly remove data or labels.

But as a general rule of thumb, always try to make your processes as deterministic as possible, and in case you have to introduce randomness, always provide a seed that you have control over.


This article explored the 6 MLOps principles at the core of MLOps, which should be implemented in any production-level AI system, regardless of your tools.



Suchismita Sahu
Suchismita Sahu

Written by Suchismita Sahu

Working as a Technical Product Manager at Jumio corporation, India. Passionate about Technology, Business and System Design.

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